Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bunnies and a Baptism!

We've had another busy month!

Kate was visited by the Easter bunny this year and even received an Easter Basket...however, she was more interested in eating her dress than checking out the goodies. We can't believe how quickly she is growing. :-)She weighed 13.8lbs at her 4 month check up. She was in the 49th percentile for weight, 51st for height and 79th for head. We are convinced she is going to be a genius with all those brains! She was not very happy to return to the doctor and cried from the minute we walked into the office until we left.

Kate was baptized at Montview Presbyterian Church this past weekend. She wore a gown from Grandmama and Papa and a special family bonnet from Grandmama's brother. Again, she mostly enjoyed eating the ribbons on the bonnet. :-)Kate anchored a 4 generation picture that is her Mom's favorite!

Kate has had many visitors this month! Family has visited her by Train and Plane. Both sets of Grandparents and her Great Grandmama Hill all visited her in Denver. What a lucky girl!

Kate's current hobbies include working in her office (aka the exersaucer), attending music class with her Mommy, taking walks with her Daddy in her jog stroller, and talking up a storm while watching her mobile on her changing table.

We will keep you posted as things progress!

Much Love,

Jennie, Seth, and Kate